My Experience as a Client

We recently started ‘Operation Roser Home Redo’ with a mission to tackle a few spaces in my home that needed to be decluttered + reorganized. These spaces weren't bringing me joy and were triggering my stress, and that's when I knew it was time to call in the team.

Professional Organizers in Wilmington, NC

I was literally in your shoes.

I felt all of the emotions that you feel. The fear, overwhelm, shame, indecision all crept in when planning + going through the decluttering + organizing process. I had doubts about people coming into my home and was afraid of what they were going to think. I felt the overwhelm of not knowing where to start. From start to finish I was able to understand what it was like.

Professional Organizing Southeastern North Carolina

Primary Closet Before + After

The truth is, if I didn't have a team of professionals working alongside me, I'm not confident that anything would have been accomplished. Having compassionate + trained individuals sitting with me to guide me and help me let go of things that weren't serving a purpose made all of the difference.

Hall Closet Before + After

We are absolutely a stronger team because of it and I am a better organizer because of it. Thank you for following along as I reflect on this life-changing experience. If you're ready for one yourself, please reach out 💖

Kristin Roser