Project Spotlight - Custom Closet

Being a professional organizer is a lot like being a professional puzzle solver. Each space we organize is just waiting to be solved, or organized in our case, and put together in the perfect order to create a beautiful space. This particular project that I’m sharing today was one puzzle that was so much fun to solve. 

The Before

This client recently graduated from college and his parents gifted him our services to help get him settled in his home. The main spaces we worked on were his primary bedroom and a space referred to as “the hallway”. This room led from the living room to his bedroom and contained zero storage on the walls. Essentially it was awkward, dead space not serving the client well. 

The During

Like any project, we always start with decluttering. This is so we know exactly what items are being kept and will need storing. There is no point in trying to create storage and systems for items a client does not want, need, or use. Once we were able to edit out items we measured and created a plan for storage. 

Because this client already had a great closet system in his master bedroom we were able to create a system to manage his hats and ties. We also switched out all of his hangers. 

For the “hallway” space, we had the pleasure of partnering with Modular Closets to create a custom closet solution. Once the closet was designed and built, our home service team was able to return for installation, and our team of organizers then organized the items utilizing storage bins and labels.

The After

This client is an avid outdoor enthusiast so it was important we created zones for all of his equipment and gear. That meant we needed to make designated spaces for his hunting gear, fishing equipment, and even a space for his dog’s collars and towels. 

The Closet

The Hallway

The best part is that about 60% of the storage unit in “the hallway” is vacant. The client has room to grow and flex in his space. Now, this once-dead space hallway serves a purpose and is a great space for our client to store his outdoor equipment safely and securely. 

Client Testimonial

I hired Kristin + Co for my son as a Christmas gift. He needed help getting organized and downsizing his "stuff". Kristin + Co did a great job. He is really happy with the results. I highly recommend Kristin + Co. Especially if you have a loved one that doesn't need more "stuff”, but may need help getting organized” 

- Kim K.

Want the Closet of Your Dreams

If you’re tired of lacking essential storage space, or just want to be able to get ready for the day in the closet of your dreams - the Kristin + Co Team can help! Not only can we help you purge items you no longer want to keep, but we’ll also design your new closet, handle installation, and come back to style and organize it. 
Contact us today to get started on your closet makeover!