5 Spaces to Organize This Spring

Spring has officially arrived here in Wilmington, NC! Flowers are beginning to bloom, we are driving with the windows down, and the days are getting longer. With the arrival of spring, it’s the perfect time to begin organizing your home and prepping for when those kiddos go on their summer break. 

Over the winter, it’s very common for the home to accumulate clutter. Holidays have come and gone, the family may have visited, and presents were given - which can mean you now have a lot more stuff! So to help you get your home ready for the spring and summer months, we’ve created a helpful list of 5 areas to organize this Spring!!

Spring Organizing 2023


With warmer weather sticking around, it’s time to retire those winter clothes and coats and pull out your spring and summer items. If you have all of your clothes (regardless of the season) stored together, great. If you are limited on space we recommend storing out-of-season clothing in plastic storage totes so items stay safe and dry. 

If you need to swap out the clothing in your closet be sure to declutter first. Take inventory of what you did NOT wear during the colder months and decide if those items are things you want to store, or if it would be better to donate them. This will save you lots of time when you have to swap things out again during the season change. 

Pro Tip - As you wear items from your closet turn the hanger so it’s facing backward. This way you will easily be able to spot the items that were not worn simply by looking at the hangers that were never turned. 

Toys + Sports Equipment

If you have kids then chances are they received toys for Christmas or at some point over the last couple of months. Take some time to declutter toys they have outgrown or simply don’t play with. If you don’t want to donate them, you can always store them away and rotate them out every few months. The kids will be excited to play with “new toys”.

Don’t forget to go through and declutter sports equipment. Get rid of or donate items that are too worn, or that simply no longer fit them. This will give you room for any new sports gear. We recommend creating a specific zone in the garage and laundry room that can store these items. This way kiddos know exactly where everything is, and items that are not in use can be kept in a clear, plastic tote until they are needed again. 

First Aid

Warmer weather means more play time outside. Be sure to go through your first aid supplies to ensure there are plenty of bandages, antiseptic, and most importantly - sunblock! Remove any old and expired items to make room for the new ones. 

We recommend storing these items in the garage or a room in the house that is easy to access from the outdoors. This way if a scraped knee occurs you can treat it quickly, and it will help you not to forget the sunblock. 


It’s always a good idea to go through your pantry and refrigerator every couple of months and edit, but this is a must before the spring and summer months. Kids will be home more and that means more lunches and snacks to make and store. 

Go through each space and remove all expired food first. Next, create zones for snack and lunch items. This way older kids know exactly where to find their snacks and lunch. If you would like specific tips on how to best organize your refrigerator, check out this blog

Most of the time the car tends to be a catch-all zone, and often a forgotten one. With warmer weather, it’s a great time to open up all the car doors and remove items that don’t belong. Then, create a grab-n-go bag that includes items like sunblock, bug spray, a first aid kit, and snacks. All of these items are great to have on hand especially if you have kiddos that play a spring/summer sport.

Hire a Pro to Handle Your Spring Organizing

Don’t have time to get your spring organizing done, or just don’t want to? That’s ok - that’s what we are here for! Our team of organizers can tackle all of these areas and more to help get you and your family ready for spring and summer. 
Click here to contact us and be on your way to a more fun + tidy spring!