Tips on Purchasing Products When You DIY Your Organizing Project

Picture it, you are walking the aisles of Target and see the cutest organization bins that are in your favorite color. You pause and think about how your bathroom is always in disarray and how if you only had bins and containers for all of your stuff, things wouldn’t get so messy and you would finally be organized… right? Well, sorry to burst your bubble friend, but that would be incorrect!

The problem with approaching an organizing project by getting containers first is that the “organizing” never sticks. In fact, it won’t take long before you forget where you stashed something away and you are tearing through everything because nothing is stored with a purpose. Then before long, you figure out that your cute organizing containers that were supposed to solve your organizing problems didn’t deliver, and instead could just be causing more problems. 

In this blog, we’ll share tips on how to get organizing products for your space that you will actually use, and that will truly help you stay organized. 

Tips for Purchasing Your Own Products 

When you tackle a space in your home and get it organized, it’s going to feel natural to run out and get supplies and products. Hold off! Start with these tips first. 

  1. Measure - It’s pointless to buy organizing products if you don’t know that they are going to fit in your space. Measure the depth, width, and length of cabinets, shelves, and drawers. This might sound like a pain up front, but it will save you time in the long run from having to go back to the store and return the product that didn’t work.

  2. Declutter - Organizing products alone will not make you organized. Especially when you have clutter plaguing your space. It’s important to edit your belongings first. Are there things you can part with? Have you used that curling iron in the last 6 months? Do you need 5 hair dryers? This part of the process is most crucial because you are cutting down on the number of items you need to store, and will have to sort through when looking for something else. 

  3. Consider Your Budget - The great thing about organizing products is that there are a lot of options in many different price ranges. Try to determine your budget before you go shopping for products so you can quickly rule out the products that are over budget. 

  4. Consider Your Aesthetic - Products that are going into a drawer may not matter so much to you, but if organizing products are going to be out in the open you may want to consider if acrylic or bamboo would work better for your space. There are many different styles and textures out there to choose from.

  5. Stage the Product First - Before you start putting all of your stuff in the organizing products you purchased, it’s helpful to clear out your space completely (yes completely) and add the product only. This will ensure things fit correctly, and that you aren’t missing any items in your categories. 

Work with Kristin + Co to Get the Best Organizing Products for Your Needs

If you choose to DIY your organizing project and source your own products, we are cheering you on! But, in case you were wondering what the process was like if you worked with us, we wanted to give you an inside look.

  1. The Consultation - When you choose to work with Kristin + Co, we always start with a quick phone call followed by an in-home consultation. This not only helps us to get crystal clear on your goals and pain points, but it also allows us to see your space and take measurements. 

  2. Source Product - Once our consultation is complete, we source and order your product. Now you may be thinking… wait, I thought you said above you are supposed to declutter first! While we highly recommend you declutter first if you are DIYing your organizing project, our team has an extensive knowledge of products and the experience to order products before the declutter process. We take your budget, your style, your space, and your items into consideration when ordering products. 

  3. Organize - Next, we show up for your organizing day(s) with organizing products already in hand and we declutter your items (with your input of course), we sort and categorize, and organize your belongings into a beautiful and functional system.

Organizing Products We Recommend 

If you plan to organize your space on your own and are curious about the products we love and use in our client’s homes, check out our shop page. You can view products we recommend categorized by space for easy shopping.
Not sure you want to tackle your organizing project on your own? We would love to help! Simply contact us here to get the process started.